Sunday, July 17, 2011

Full House

This weekend saw two celebrations, three guests, and 10+baby out for Sunday dinner to celebrate.

This was Dad's birthday, so we were happy to shower him with the usual number of gifts.

It was also the weekend of Josh's bap-christen-edication. The liturgy was carefully and thoughtfully crafted by Rev. Tineke, including a welcome into the covenantal community coupled with clear statements of how Josh will have to decide for himself when he's older. Perfect for Sam to hear. Rev. Salvaggio's sermon was extremely good, and meshed well with the thing we did with Josh.

And since you all want to know, he was quiet up there--didn't cry! Worst offense, dropping a stuffed lamb. I mean, agnus. It was in a church, after all. And Sam too was reasonably well behaved, much like a boy who wanders over to the edge of the cliff over the grand canyon but then steps back again. When he eyed the water in the font I was worried all might be lost, but true to form he didn't cross the line. Phew.

It's late, so just one more thing: Aunt Amy and the boys went to the Zoo Sunday after the big dinner out. It's the first day of a week in the 90s (best facebook update, from Lynn Albers: "I'd totally make out with Frosty the Snowman right now!"), and the shady stream at the zoo was perfect. Even the tiger was hot enough that he was just lazing in a big tub, as you can see. :-) (Notice the paws resting on the edge.)

More than ever Josh is enjoying Naked Time. He just kicks and grins happily.

Maybe I'll get a movie uploaded of his wolf call.

What are you all doing to stay cool?

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