Thursday, July 14, 2011

Random thoughts

Note: Three posts were made today, two on our recent vacation, one fascinating conversation with Sam.

First thing this morning Sam told me about a bad dream he'd had. He was trapped in a room where the ceiling or walls were closing in, and he faced other traps as well. (This inspired, I am sure, by the Egyptian mummy episode of Ruff Ruffman's Fetch.) Jesus was with him, which was apparently a good thing.

Yesterday morning Susan shared the following:

He was cheerful and chatty on the way in. That was fun. He tried to tell me that some character in Rescue Heroes is the son of Wendy Waters, and I said she didn't seem old enough to be his mother. He said that she's 18, and the other guy was 17, so it was fine! I said then she would have to be 1 year old when she had him. He said she was actually 22. I said, "Sam, then she would have been five when she had him! That's your age!" He said, a little impatiently, "Mom, it's the movies. Things happen in the movies that can't really happen. Like Alvin and the Chipmunks. Chipmunks can't really speak our language."

I said he had a very good point and let it drop!

* * *

Josh has been sleeping through the night with only one feeding, mostly. And vocalizing a lot whenever anyone locks eyes with him. And he's got the coordination already to grab his nuk, and can occasionally hold the bottle while drinking.

Best of all, he continues to have the same good attitude Sam did at that age.


Spud said...

So isn't that Sam in the top photo?

Tim said...

Yes! I recently ran across a shot of Sam at Josh's age (approximately). Fascinating to compare the two.