Monday, October 31, 2011

Weekend fun

This weekend Trevor came over for an afternoon play date. They played outside a lot--it was sunny, if cool--including vast stretches of time on the rope swing. Here they are shown creating a graveyard out of leaves and sticks. Sam's idea, I think.

I've uploaded several Josh movies:

  • Josh, in a good and chatty mood
  • Josh exhibiting his crawling technique when Susan's cell phone is placed in view. (Also shown: Emily, Trevor's mom.)
  • Josh playing with a mostly empty bottle

It was a quiet weekend. Rochester didn't get any of the snowy weather, just sun with a chill in the air. We carved pumpkins Sunday.

Sam and Josh preparing for bed
Also practiced bicycling with Sam. He's not yet able to balance, so I run or walk next to the bike holding his shoulders. They said this bike is too big for training wheels, and anyway, the trend is to take the pedals off entirely and let the kid walk the bike around til he gets used to balancing it. Unfortunately, it's a little high for him to do that.  I expect what we'll do is practice a few more times before winter arrives in earnest, and by next spring he'll be tall enough for me to remove the pedals and let him practice without them.

An alien on an alien planet, with his dwelling
After our bicycling session Sam asked me if "una" means one, and "bi" means two, and "cycle" means wheel. :-)

I uploaded a drawing Sam did at bedtime last week. He's always looking for ideas for what to draw. He's picky, though; he rejects most of the ideas we come up with. This one he took: An alien standing outside his home on his alien planet. His comment on this drawing is that he likes to add lots of detail.

In two weeks Sam has his birthday, and the same day Grandpa Gene arrives for a week! We are all extremely excited about that!

This last week Josh slept through the night for the first time. 11 PM-6:30 AM. It's not commonplace yet, but is a good sign for the future.

Enjoy the movies, and have a good week!

1 comment:

Spud said...

I love how just everything makes that boy laugh!