Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A rare visitor

Last weekend we had a real treat--Colleen Zeeman of Brookings, SD visited us. She was in Buffalo with Dave for a conference and took the train over. Aside from the hour delay due to a hazmat train in front of them, all went smoothly. Colleen was so helpful as well holding Josh that we almost cancelled her return tickets. Then realized Dave might object. And we don't really want to wander into a remake of Steve Kings Misery.
Josh continues to work on eating. Each kid is different, that's for sure. Sam made a mess but definitely got into eating. Josh is often delighted just to suck on the washcloth we would otherwise us to wipe his face. It's enough of a oddity from the natural kingdom that we thought a very brief video was in order.

This past weekend... well, to really describe it, I'd need to remember it. Hmm. Gorgeous weather. Two trips to L. L. Bean, which gave me a full refund of over $300 for a coat which is over 20 years old. Why, you ask? The salewoman actually told me this is their policy and urged me to bring it in and exchange it for one which is not disintegrating. Really, it was their idea!

I could try to tie this in to Sam and Josh, this being their blog. I could mention Sam had a lot of fun hiding among the racks of clothes. I could mention the endless cooing at Josh on the part of the many saleswomen.

But really I am writing this because if you have already bought a coat at L. L. Bean, you should. When Susan started to say, "But we can't really accept this much ow" the "ow" was the salewoman kicking her in the shin so she would stop talking. We were chatting with that saleswoman later she said, "We should accept God's gift graciously." Amen.

Really, not much else happened over the weekend. Sunday night was Family Movie Night, and we watched a hitherto unknown Scooby Doo movie involving ghost pirates, a short mesmerist and Fred's parents sporting exaggerated midwestern accents. Much fun was had by all.

To end, two exchanges Susan recently had with Sam:

Susan, taking Sam's hand as we cross the street: You'll always be my little boy, won't you? Even when you're taller than I am?
Sam: Well, even when I'm taller than you, I'll always be younger, right?

* * *

(later) Sam to Susan: I hope someday I get married and my wife has a baby, and then I can
play with the baby and make it laugh.

Sam's been very good with Josh. So neat to see genuine affection of the boys for each other. (At least til Josh can crawl and get into Sam's stuff!)

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