Friday, September 30, 2011

Josh in the exersaucer

WHAT FUN!  He'll work away at the toys in front of him as if he were sitting at his office desk. Then he'll notice someone looking at him, get excited to have made contact, and start bouncing up and down happily.

It also turns out to be a great cure for constipation, if that's ever a danger. (Why don't they market these for adults? Just put a tv screen on it...)  When combined with antibiotics, which lead to somewhat loose stools, the result can be, well, expansive.

So glad he finished the antibiotics yesterday!

I love to compare photos from when Sam was Josh's age. Somewhere I have a great one from the exersaucer.  Here's a silent movie, in fact. In lieu of the photo I want, here's a fun one of a very young Sam:

High of 50 expected tomorrow. Fall's here. Wonder what everyone's planning for the weekend?


Spud said...

Aren't the exersaucers a marvellous invention?

Anonymous said...

I can't see your movie of Sam in the exersaucer. :-(