Monday, September 12, 2011

Pleasant Saturday. First day of music class for Sam this morning. And in the afternoon Sam and I went to Mendon and hiked a trail we'd never been on before.  Very pretty, and saw three deer, two horses, and Sam brought back an inchworm which he found hanging in the air from a thread and became enthralled with.
Josh during morning Rolling Time
Sam was eager to remember these things, so for a while he walked along, chanting, "horses, deer, inchworm, horses, deer inchworm..." Then he just asked me to remember it.

On the drive home we had to pause while a big turkey vulture abandoned a carcass by the side of the road to fly up on a power line. And while driving through downtown Pittsford we were delayed by a wedding at a church we passed. Sam found these both so interesting that as soon as we walked in the door he ran up to Susan and said, "I saw a turkey vulture and a wedding!"

"And now, for my next selection..."
(Matt Sweeney, high-school acquaintance of Susan's and now fb friend, commented, "Turkey vulture? Oh, Sam. The grown-up name for that is wedding photographer.")

 The hike was not a short one, and the trails in Mendon are poorly marked so we ended up back tracking for a while. We were slowed by Sam's desire to carry an inchworm who for his part wanted to crawl away. I got a little impatient when we had to hunt for the fallen worm while being swarmed by mosquitoes. But we kept ourselves moving by looking forward to coming home and baking cookies.

Sam with his new inchworm
For the hike I had Josh in the baby bjorn. He really enjoyed it--he loves watching trees and really appreciates any sort of scenery. I was even able to give him a bottle while we were hiking and he was looking around at nature. That's one flexible baby!

Spent the evening with the Hulls, Sam running around with Gabriel. A good day for all concerned!

That was Saturday. Sunday's highlight was probably sitting around with the Zinkand-Dills at the dining-room table coloring after dinner. Fun!
That's Josh's head in the foreground.
Sam's just stood 10' from a deer

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