Monday, September 26, 2011

Weekend update

  • Lots of good hanging out at home and house cleaning
  • Including a Sunday nap (see photo)
  • Oh, and a Zoo trip. No, wait--playground instead, where a friendly mother & child let us fly their spare kite
  • Shot a butane-filled plastic film canisters using my officemate John's potato cannon
  • Chicago-style pizza for dinner Saturday night with chocolate-chip-banana muffins for dessert!
  • Josh generally improving, but still under the weather
Loved the beautiful weather, and eating on the sun porch.

The past two nights Josh has gotten us up 2-3 times as he's woken up happily and cheerily and totally awake at times when the rest of God's creation slumbers, making joyful moist raspberries in the dark and kicking his legs. 

Need to get him to nap more during the day. He's reverting to some sort of native nocturnalism. 

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