Friday, September 16, 2011

Ultimate Shadow Cat

Learned on the way in this morning that Alex (our late cat) once bit Sam and now Sam has cat powers, and not just those of Shadow Cat but also those of Ultimate Shadow Cat. (I can show you line pencil drawings of both of these if that helps. Sam assures me he made them up, so they are not the same as the Marvel character or the comic from Charlie & Lola.)

Sam and Ethan apparently are using these powers to solve mysteries. Sam wasn't at liberty to tell me much, but apparently the first clue they found in the current mystery at school is a fingerprint. Shh!! We'll learn more when we need to know more.

I asked if Sam is fighting crime and he said not yet, they're just practicing.

Then Sam added, "I have every kind of animal power--even okapi!"

Susan and I are still trying to figure out what okapi animal powers are. I think it's the ability to graze. Susan thinks it must be the power to wear clashing colors.

Have a good weekend!

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