Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Westerville Collinses

The big news here is a visit by Stu and Sue and Kevin. They were up for less than 48 hours (like an Amy visit only slightly shorter), but we managed to play pool (Stu & Sam and I), visit a local orchard for fresh apple pie, cider and donuts, get lost on the way to the orchard and wander into Walworth, NY,  and enjoy a communal Josh bath. Sue also got some reading time in with Sam, and lots of face time with the smallest of our faces, Josh's. A good time was had by all!
Josh had his first Cheerios over the weekend. Didn't quite know what to do with them, but then maybe he wasn't hungry at the time. Still, fun to watch. This video is from Monday showing Josh's propensity for holding forth, old-man style, while eating.

Josh is showing more personality. The other day Susan was sitting on the floor with him. She decided to pick up a little, and moved a book which was lying near him. At this, Josh yelled at her and then painstakingly crawled over her leg, grabbed the book, and carried it back, putting it right back where it was. So there!

Both boys are well. These days during the drive to school Sam requests "the song both you and I really like", Take My Hand by Shawn McDonald. (Here live if you prefer.) That's often accompanied by the classic All You Zombies.

This morning Sam was excited to put birthday invitations, which he'd labeled, into mailboxes at school.

I got to chat with Danielle, his art teacher, about what they are doing in class.  Sounds really good:  They are doing a project inspired by a video game called "Big World Little World" or something like that.  She's taught them about thumbnail sketches, about value (light to dark), and since they are currently working in colored pencils she's taught them about different shading styles including pointilism and cross-hatching.  

She says they will show their work in December around the time of the holiday party.  She will have sparkling grape juice and cheese and make it like a real art show.  The entire class before the show will be spent learning how to mount their artwork for the show.

Sunday Sam went to a birthday party for his friend Ian. The party was at a party facility so the kids got to run around on indoor playground equipment, play a limited number of games (and win miniscule prizes) and there was even a roller-skating area. Sam tried that and fell down a LOT but was never bothered by it and had a great time.

Sam's been having stomach aches daily. Anxiety? Yet he's also been happier lately.

Hope you are all well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm jamming this morning to Shawn and The Hooters. Got any other good suggestions for high-energy music?
love, CAA