Friday, February 24, 2012

Sam's board game and Josh's evil laugh

Remember Rocks & Minerals Day last summer? Over break Sam got back into doing the sticker book Susan got him for that occasion. Susan then channeled Sam's renewed excited into making a board game using the gemstone stickers and other mineral-related things. It's pictured here.

Also shown: Josh, doing his evil laugh. Finally documented on video! He's really enjoying the home-made chicken-noodle soup. So, despite his serious look, this is a happy noise. Or eager. Or aimed at world domination. One of those.

This was Wednesday at lunch with the adoption caseworker, who was visiting to make sure Josh is doing okay. One more meeting with them later this year, in Syracuse, and then the adoption can be finalized!

1 comment:

Spud said...

Oh man. That giggle! I want that in my house.