Monday, July 21, 2014

Quiet weekend.

Just a few quick photos from a blessedly quiet weekend. Susan hosted an author's talk by Marlena Graves, previously of RCRC, whose book A Beautiful Disaster just came out and is getting rave reviews. Sunday night Susan and I went out on a date.  Other than that, lots of hanging around at home, some writing for Susan, who is completing the draft of Novel Number Two, and yard work for me.  

The Collins/Gilbert-Collinses were in the nursery Sunday morning. Here's Jace holding Sam's nose. Infants don't need reasons to do things like that.

The pachysandra in our church courtyard--close-up by Sam.

Also by Sam. His first unintentional, automated conformal mapping!

Josh was been cooking up some imaginary delicious masterpieces with this food set Aunt Amy gave him a while back.

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