Wednesday, July 30, 2014

South Dakota, Part 7: The Dakota Discovery Museum

Before I forget, I need to mention that a neighbor of R&P is an elderly fellow who no longer has a license to drive, so he gets around town on his riding lawn mower.

If that's  not local color, I am not sure what is. :-)

Okay, some souvenirs from the last day:

R&P got a sitter so the four of us could go out to a steak place. The above is half of the appetizers. The first and third of these really caught my eye. See if you can guess which we got! 

We went to the Dakota Discovery Museum which is a truly class act--it's an excellent museum, and very well run. Out back is an old (read: vintage) train car:

One of the main artists featured in the museum is Charles Hargens, who did a lot of Western-themed illustrations, including a cover to the Saturday Night Post. Here's one I particularly liked:

It's traditional wisdom in the Plains to face off grizzlies with a broom. They are notorious neat freaks. 
Sam liked this one best
The museum also has a recreation of Hargens' studio. In it is a stuffed eagle. When we entered the museum Josh asked about the bird and ran upstairs right to it. Who knew?

The eagle:

Tomorrow morning we set sail for home.

Btw, the answer was the fried pickles. So good we ordered a second basket.

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