Tuesday, July 29, 2014

South Dakota, Part 5

A few other photos related to the gatherings in Brookings and Mitchell...

Jon and Josh

Gene's grandkids

The photography crew

Not sure how to describe this!

In a park near R&P's there's some old play equipment, including this very tall, metal slide. It's a fast one and the boys really enjoy it.

Gabbing at Gene's belated 80th birthday party

Layne with some guy

Shortly after we arrived, Layne fed her fish. She fed them by dumping minnows into the tank. The fish are all the sort you would find in a stream in the midwest: bullhead, cat fish, and I think some musky, though I may be misremembering. They are aggressive fish. She says she a load of scared, hiding minnows will last 1-2 weeks. 

Sam and Katie. Katie showed him how to make a certain type of lanyard. Or started making one for him.

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