Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thoughts on internal gravity

Recently at bedtime Sam said to me, out of the blue,
Daddy, if you get fired can you become a magician? And can you please learn a levitation trick to teach me?
I was of course curious (has he been talking to my boss?) and probed a little. Turns out he really just wants to learn how a magician might levitate something, and the fastest way from A to B for him is apparently for me to quit my job, learn it myself, and teach him.

On the way in he to school this morning Sam told me gravity doesn't work inside our bodies.  He said, instead, that the body controls how food moves through it. And he used some other example about how things could in principle move up and come out one's nose.

His conclusion, in his words, Gravity is not the "best" force inside a body, as it's so weak.

He thought for a minute then said that love is a stronger force.  I asked where that operates and he said in our hearts.

Poet and budding scientist!

1 comment:

Spud said...

A frighteningly practical child.