Sunday, June 29, 2014

Good weekend.

Except for Sam coming down with strep throat. Crawled in bed with us Friday night with a raging fever. In contrast to every time in the past eight years that his temperature has exceeded half a degree above normal he managed not to throw up--at least, until his was sitting on my lap in the doctor's examination room. 
Fortunately by Sunday he was feeling much better. And in the meantime his loss was Josh's gain--I had to get Josh out of the house so I took him to the Play Museum. He loves going there without Sam, since that means his path is his to determine. (See below.)

Sam's doing the local library's Summer reading program. In addition to reading half an hour a day, there are activities. This week's was making paper airplanes. So I got out some books on the topic and he and I spent an hour making planes--and he spent more time later on trying to innovate with his own designs. 

A good time was had by all.

Big rainstorm rolled through today. Josh and I were out grocery shopping at the time, and afterward sat in the garage watching the torrents from a safe and dry location. While we were sitting there, to make conversation, he turned to me and asked if I remember... the garage. I said yes. (We were in the garage at the time.) Then he asked if I remembered casseroles. Yes! Then he asked if I love casserole.

Never really know what you're going to get!

After it let up, we wandered around through the puddles. 

A sure sign summer's arrived is Sam rearrange small things in rainbow order

There's a garden outside the Play Museum, and it has some nice features. Here's a planter made to look like someone bathing.

Got some new sidewalk chalk.

Joshie watched the rainstorm from the safety of the back of the van (tailgate open). 

And here are the torrents. 
From Susan:

Josh, trying to be like his big brother, told me this evening he was sick and it hurt. I asked what hurt and suggested perhaps his head, but he said no, it was his teeth. Also, his ear broke.

Oh, late bedtimes these days. Josh is not settling in smoothing to his big boy bed. Keeps wanting to wander around, make noise, etc. Susan's been breaking out glow sticks as a special treat for the boys, but Josh is unable to behave long enough to retain his, at least most nights.

Susan again:

Last night Josh wouldn't stay in his big boy bed but kept popping out to play with toys in the dark. When I sat in the rocker in his room, he stayed in bed but kept himself awake singing numerous verses to "Wheels on the Bus." Finally I gave up and left. Soon after, it grew quiet...

I went to check on him and sure enough, he was finally asleep (at 10:45!). But there was a red light reflecting off his face. Turns out he'd dragged the digital clock from his dresser over the side rail of his bed and fell asleep with that red glow right in his face.

One other Susan note:

So now Josh, instead of leaving with Daddy in the mornings for school, stays home and says goodbye when Daddy pulls away. Today he stood car side chanting, "Bye Daddy! Love you! I'll text you! Sleep well!"

The essence of having a younger brother!

The boys with a favorite babysitter, Dianka (you've heard from her before!) and a friend of hers

Enough for now...

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