Sunday, June 8, 2014

Some photos from last weekend, and Stu's visit

Believe it or not, it was just warm enough by the end of the day for me to break out the sprinkler. It helps that Josh had never really seen one before. He was enthralled.

Some behaviors are instinctive.
Okay, this has nothing to do with Josh and Sam except that they only visit for a brief period during the day-long 40s-and-over tournament which we won. (Did I mention we won?)

Uncle Stu visited for the tournament but allowed us a couple of pleasant walks as a bonus.

Down in the corner is Josh up behind the lecturn of our church sanctuary hunting for ladybugs. This is a weekly event.  The one he found last week he named Bob. Happily it doesn't seem to ruin anything for him that they are dead.

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