Friday, June 6, 2014

Memorial Day

Had an Amy visit over Memorial Day. It was a pleasant, relaxing weekend of hanging out at home. Below are some photos...
The boys have been spending time in the sandbox now that the weather's warmer. Here Sam is making a tunnel while neighbor Connor buries the leg of his brother Ethan.

Here's Josh using a toy lawnmower (one which produces bubbles) to mow the forget-me-nots.

Sam hanging out with Aunt Amy and playing a game on the ipod.

Oh, and Aunt Amy grew a moustache.

As did Josh.

Sidewalk chalk in the driveway.

Sam showing off his little civilization.

While Sam was busy at a playdate with his friend Lexy and Amy and Susan were out shopping, I took Josh alone to the Play Museum. What fun to be able to let Josh go wherever he wanted!

Sam and Lexy playing with this generation's much cooler version of the Big Wheel.

Last fun even of the weekend was going geocaching with Aunt Amy (and Josh). Hit and miss: Found two caches, though their contents were lame. Tried to find another two, but one had been removed and the other we never located--though we did find a vast cloud of mosquitoes and lots of mud for our shoes. Sam vows he'll never do it again. We'll see.

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