Sunday, June 8, 2014

Spring Children's Program at Church

This may not look like it has anything to do with the spring children's program, but it does: while Sam was busy Saturday morning rehearsing with the other kids, I was following Josh around outside hunting for bugs. We found this snail.

Here's Josh trying to feed some grass to the snail.

This is Josh, earlier in the week, home from school with a fever of nearly 103. This is the first fever he's had that we know of. If Sam had this fever he'd be throwing up. Josh has never thrown up.

This is the Sunday-morning rehearsal before church.
Here, btw, are some snippets from Susan on facebook:
Josh is coughing a bit. He told me he's sick and needs a shot.
"Where should you get a shot?" I asked.
"In the doctor," he said.

Yup. Right in the ol' doctor.
Also from Susan:
Tonight when Sam and Josh realized we were having cupcakes for dessert, and that I was getting up from the table to frost a couple so they could eat them right away, they were so ecstatic they screamed. I don't mean, "Oh cute, they're squealing." I mean: Actual. Prolonged. Screaming. It was literally a very painful experience.

So I guess this is what they mean by "Love hurts." And it refers not to the love one person has for another, but to the love a boy has for his cupcake.
I got to observe Josh's "toddler community" at Montessori today, and it was so interesting. Best part: the little guy who walked up to a little girl and went PPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTHHHHH all over her head with a mouthful of water was NOT my Josh. 
 And also:
Got a gorgeous summer skirt for my birthday, in a flaming orange/red batik sort of pattern - very flowing, very hippie dippy. I slipped it on this morning for the first time and Josh said, "What's that?" I said, "It's my new skirt." And he lifted one edge, stepped under, and followed me around like that for the next ten minutes, giggling.

I said to Tim, "MEN."
Charming: Josh painted me a flower pot at Montessori for Mother's Day and helped plant the plant in it.
Also charming: Josh insisted on holding it on the way home so he could admire it.
Less charming: I think he snacked on it on the way home. I turned around once to find tell-tale dirt crumbs and a tiny blossom or two around his mouth.
Well, okay, also:
Josh, riding his balance bike in the driveway: I'm going to Africa! Now I'm in Africa. This is Africa.
Me: Cool. Where are you going next?
Josh: Wegmans.
Finally, here's Josh puttering around on Saturday, in the late afternoon, singing, "I'll be Working on the Railroad":

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