Sunday, June 22, 2014

One ship passing in the night another thing that's not a ship but is in fact a house with us in it

Nana and Grandad drove threw last night on the way up to "camp." It was a very enjoyable sixteen hours or so: They joined us for small group, even, and we gave Dad his Father's-Day gifts.  
Sunny but cool

I made some bubble formula--got some glycerin and everything, and made a bubble wand by (at Sam's insistence) wrapping string around a coat hanger, as he'd seen our neighbor Dick had done. Worked great!

Susan made me a Father's Day cherry pie, which meant letting Joshie roll out some pie crust as well.

Finally (and this really has nothing to do with the boys) put in some shade perennials. They are in a location which has previously gotten deluged whenever it rained due to some clogged gutters. The gutters now cleaned, I am hopeful these will thrive.

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